Support Black Liberation Media
An Open Letter to the BLMedia Community
Our YouTube channel has been permanently demonetized. We are still able to produce our content but are no longer eligible to earn money via the platform. We want to emphatically state that this is not the result of our own willful or irresponsible behavior and was not related to any content produced by the collective. We take our role in this space seriously and are careful in that regard. We have been targeted by unscrupulous people and by a corporate system that looks to destroy radical Black politics.
Going forward, please continue to like, share, subscribe, and ring the notification bell on our YouTube channel. We are also asking that those willing and able to support materially go to our Patreon page at
Our work to provide collectively-produced Black radical politics and analysis continues and we look forward to your continued engagement and support.
Thank you,
Black Liberation Media
Support Our Work
You can materially support the work of Black Liberation Media by becoming a paid member on Patreon.
You can also follow and share our content on any of our social media platforms.